Understanding Negligent Hiring in Truck Accidents: A Simplified Guide

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Understanding Negligent Hiring in Truck Accidents: A Simplified Guide

When big trucks get into accidents, it’s important to figure out if the truck company hired the right drivers. This is called ‘negligent hiring.’ At Hunter and Beck, we know a lot about these cases. We’ll explain what negligent hiring means, why it matters, and how it can lead to legal problems for truck companies. If you’ve been in a truck accident, this article will help you understand your rights and options.

What Does Negligent Hiring Mean in Truck Accidents?

Negligent hiring happens when a truck company doesn’t check if a driver is safe to hire. If they hire someone who’s not fit to drive and an accident happens, the company can be blamed. This is important because truck companies need to make sure their drivers are safe and well-trained to prevent accidents.

What Happens to Truck Companies That Hire Negligently?

If a truck company hires a negligent driver, they can face a lot of problems. They might have to pay a lot of money to people who got hurt, face court cases, have higher insurance costs, and even change how they hire drivers. It shows why it’s so important for these companies to hire carefully.

Can I File a Lawsuit Against a Trucking Company for Negligent Hiring?

Yes, you can file a lawsuit against a trucking company if their negligent hiring caused your accident. You’ll need to show that the company didn’t do a good job checking the driver’s background. This includes looking at the driver’s past, how they were hired, and if they were trained properly.

How Long Do You Have to File a Lawsuit for Negligent Hiring?

Generally in Louisiana, you have one year from the date of your accident to file suit for your damages in a court of competent jurisdiction. It’s important to talk to a lawyer quickly after an accident to make sure you don’t miss your chance to file a lawsuit.

What Penalties Do Truck Companies Face for Negligent Hiring?

Truck companies can get into a lot of trouble for negligent hiring. They might have to pay money to the victims, deal with legal fees, face government fines, and even change how they run their businesses. In severe cases, they could even face criminal charges.

How Can Negligent Hiring Lead to Truck Accidents?

Negligent hiring can cause accidents if a company hires drivers who aren’t skilled or safe. This includes drivers with bad driving records, those who haven’t been trained properly, or drivers who are not in good health. All these things can make accidents more likely to happen.

Can I Prove That a Truck Company Hired Negligently?

To prove a company hired negligently, you need to gather evidence about the driver and how the company hired them. This includes looking at the driver’s work history, driving record, and the company’s hiring process. Lawyers can help collect and use this evidence in court.

What Documents Do You Need to Prove Negligent Hiring?

To prove negligent hiring, you’ll need documents like the driver’s job application, driving record, training information, health screenings, and the company’s hiring policies. These documents help show that the company didn’t hire carefully.

Can Victims Get Paid for Accidents Caused by Negligent Hiring?

Yes, if you’re in an accident because a truck company hired negligently, you might get money for your injuries and losses. The amount depends on how bad the company’s mistake was, how much you were hurt, and the laws in your state. Good lawyers can help you get the most compensation possible.

For detailed legal advice in cases like these, reach out to Hunter and Beck for more information.

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